We can confirm high competence of Securitum, great security experience and high cybersecurity knowledge level. Ordered service was realised with best possible care and attention. Realised project was carried on time with best market practices. Securitum team also presented very high consulting skills. All reports were on time, detailed and readable.
Sirko Pelzl - CEO, apoQlar GmbH

Securitum is our top vendor which we prioritise over other service providers. They are flexible in time, and always have a capacity of testers to accommodate a high volume of projects. Securitum provides high standard reports, professional and knowledgeable staff and customer service.
Sandra Niezgoda - Information Security Coordinator, Ocado Technology UK

Proton is satisfied with the work performed by Securitum. We consider Securitum.pl to be a reputable security firm. Your employees are professional, courteous, reliable and dependable.
Andy Yen - CEO, Proton AG