
CyberScan Pro

A comprehensive picture of the internet presence of your company, with expert recommendations on how to increase cybersecurity.

With the information gathered through data collected as part of the CyberScan Pro service, you will be able to make your business as secure as possible and make the job of potential cyber criminals more difficult. The service is provided with applicable legal and ethical rules, taking into account data privacy and confidentiality.

What value the CyberScan Pro service can bring to your business:


Identify vulnerabilities and threats

CyberScan Pro helps you identify potential vulnerabilities and threats in your company's infrastructure. The service helps uncover misconfigured systems, unsecured services or poor security practices that could put your organization at risk.


Increase awareness and safety

With CyberScan Pro allows you can raise awareness of your company's online presence and the resulting potential threats it presents . This enables you to take appropriate action, strengthen your security and minimize the risk of attacks and security breaches.


Protect your reputation

The results of Cyberscan Pro will help to understand how your organization is preceived in the online public sphere. This allows you to respont to potential negative information, fake news, or attacks that could affect your company’s reputation.Early detection and appropriate action can help minimize the impact of such incidents.



The CyberScan Pro service can help you optimize your IT security. By identifying specific areas that need improvement or strengthening, you can focus your resources and funding to where they are most needed, resulting in more efficient use of your security budget.


Customer and Partner Confidence

Using CyberScan Pro shows your customers and partners that you care about data security and privacy. This in turn builds trust and gives your stakeholders confidence that your company is responsible and cares about their privacy and security.


What else does CyberScan Pro testing cover?

CyberScan Pro also includes, among other things:

  • Checking certain security-relevant mentions of the company and its employees on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and other social media platforms.

  • Detection of domains and sub-domains and subsequent identification of web applications hosted on them (without testing the applications themselves).

  • Analysis of forums and other sites on the dark web where company information may appear.

  • Use of selected nmap NSE scripts for deeper enumeration and diagnosis of web services in use.

  • Use of certificate transparency database for domain discovery, including internal domains.

  • Analysis of selected pastebin class platforms for the discovery of possible leaks concerning the client's IT.

  • Identification of possible leaks of technical details concerning solutions used in the company (e.g. in metadata of published documents, job advertisements, etc.).

  • Brute force attacks on selected authentication services.

  • Use of search engines: Google, Bing, Yandex to search for additional information about a company.

  • Vulnerability scanning using Nessus Vulnerability Scanner software.
  • FAQ


    What do I get with the CyberScan Pro service?

    Upon completion of the work, you will receive a report describing the information found and its potential exploitation. If vulnerabilities are identified in the external (public) network, they will be classified and described with recommendations for remediation.


    What tools are used during the CyberScan Pro?


    Are specific ports analysed during testing?


    Does the testing detect all available online environments?


    How much does CyberScan Pro cost?

    Any questions?

    Happy to get a call or email
    and help!

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