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Source code


Our Source Code Review services offer a deep dive into your application's codebase. Leveraging industry best practices, our experts scrutinize your code to detect security flaws, vulnerable libraries, and design weaknesses.

By enhancing the security of the source code, we strengthen your application's overall resilience to cyber-threats.

Key focus areas include:


Preventive Analysis & Identification

Beginning with an examination of potential security hotspots, the process integrates findings from blackbox testing for a more targeted review. A meticulous scan of the source code identifies potentially exposed sensitive information, such as credentials and confidential data.


Code and Component Review

Advanced tooling and expert manual review identify a broad spectrum of security vulnerabilities. The evaluation also extends to implemented security mechanisms, third-party components, and code readability, each vital for maintaining application security and facilitating future audits.


System Integration and Security Validation

The application’s interaction with databases and APIs is rigorously inspected for secure data management. Simultaneously, input validation mechanisms undergo thorough assessment to fortify against potential threats. Additional security measures and backdoors within the source code are also reviewed.



What does a Source Code Review involve?

A Source Code Review involves thorough examination of your application's source code to identify any security flaws, code inefficiencies, or potential vulnerabilities that could be exploited by malicious parties.


What kind of vulnerabilities can a Source Code Review uncover?


What are the benefits of a Source Code Review for my organization?


How much does a Source Code Review cost?


What methodologies do you use for Source Code Reviews?

Any questions?

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